Leading Publishers of Sheet Music notations for Bollywood Hindi Songs since 1993

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Welcome to RAJ BALAN’s Music Site

You have come to the right place for the best and most authentic sheet music notations of Bollywood Hindi Songs.


All the Music in the Library you can create

Wider selection of your songs which you can personalise for later use at your appropriate time and place

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Best way to enjoy
by singing and playing the music.

You can store and use the songs of your choice on your list for making the browsing comfortable.

Best way to Learn through eBooks

You can learn through our eBooks for Keyboard, Guitar and Recorder with 30 easy lessons to play any song.

Experience the site contents with tracks

Songs are selected from 1960 onwards and cover all the emotions for the song listed in the site to fit your mood.

Our site is sure to have something to fit your mood.

Songs are selected from 1960 onwards and covers all the emotions for the song listed in the site to fit your mood.

A world of entertainment
available wherever you are.

We have covered all the songs from Bollywood Hindi songs in all forms. Learn to Play it any time anywhere

Best way to Learn through Chords Books for Piano Guitar

We have covered all the chords in our eBook to play songs from this site.  Learn to Play it any time anywhere


About S Raj Balan the Author, Teacher, Arranger, Concert Artist

Welcome to the world of S Raj Balan, a multifaceted individual with a passion for music that spans over 45 enriching years. With a diverse skill set that encompasses being an accomplished author, dedicated teacher, skilled arranger, and captivating concert artist, S Raj Balan has become a revered figure in the realm of music.

Sheet Music Publisher of Bollywood Hindi Songs (Since 1993)

For nearly three decades, S Raj Balan has been the driving force behind the vibrant world of Bollywood Hindi songs in sheet music. As a dedicated publisher, he has played a pivotal role in making the soulful tunes of Hindi cinema accessible to musicians and enthusiasts worldwide. Since 1993, his commitment to preserving and disseminating the musical treasures of Bollywood has enriched the repertoire of musicians, students, and performers, ensuring that the magic of these iconic songs continues to resonate across generations.

Teacher at Music School for 45 Years:

With an illustrious career spanning 45 years as a music educator, S Raj Balan has been a guiding light for aspiring musicians. His tenure as a teacher at the music school has been marked by a passion for nurturing talent, imparting knowledge, and instilling a deep appreciation for the art form. Generations of students have benefited from his expertise, imbibing not just technical skills but also a profound love for music that transcends the classroom.

Conducted many school concerts for performing Duets, Sols, Orchestra, Symphony, instrumental and vocal music.

Pianist at 5-Star Hotels:

The stages of 5-star hotels have been graced by the musical prowess of S Raj Balan. Over the years, he has established himself as a distinguished artist, captivating audiences with his performances at renowned establishments. The luxurious ambiance of these prestigious hotels, including Taj Residency, Windsor Manor, Sheraton Towers in Bangalore, and Hotel Hilton International in Delhi, has provided the perfect backdrop for his enchanting renditions. Through his artistry, he has added a touch of musical elegance to the upscale settings, creating memorable experiences for patrons and guests alike.

Performing World Music:

Embark on a global musical journey with S Raj Balan, a virtuoso performer who seamlessly weaves the rich tapestry of world music. With a career spanning over four decades, S Raj Balan has mastered the art of blending diverse musical traditions, creating harmonies that transcend cultural boundaries. His performances are a celebration of global rhythms and melodies, offering audiences an immersive experience that transports them to different corners of the world.

From the soulful tunes of Bollywood to the rhythmic beats of African drumming, S Raj Balan's repertoire is a testament to his versatility and passion for diversity in music. Whether on stage at prestigious venues or intimate settings, his performances are a testament to the universal language of music, fostering unity and appreciation for the rich tapestry of global musical traditions.

Teaching the Art of Music

As an inspirational educator with a teaching career spanning 45 years, S Raj Balan has been instrumental in shaping the next generation of musicians. His teaching philosophy goes beyond imparting technical skills; it encompasses a holistic approach that nurtures creativity, cultural understanding, and a profound love for the art form.

Whether performing on stages worldwide or sharing his knowledge in the classroom, S Raj Balan is a true ambassador of world music, leaving an indelible mark on both the stage and the hearts of those he teaches. His dedication to the universal language of music continues to inspire and resonate with audiences and students alike, fostering a harmonious connection through the power of sound.


As Accordionist

As Accordionist during 1968 to 1973 at KIolkata with Mohd.Aziz at "Mouline Rogue"


Performing at private concerts and parties from 2005 onwards
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